Examples of Endergonic Reactions

What are the examples of endergonic reactions? Well, before proceeding to that, let’s understand what an endergonic reaction is. It is an energy-absorbing process. Cells undergoing endergonic reactions need free energy from outside to perform any task. Thus, endergonic reactions are always nonspontaneous. Non-spontaneity of the reaction is when the system is unable to move …

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Difference Between 70-S and 80-S Ribosomes

What is the difference between 70-S and 80-S ribosomes? They are classified based on their sedimentation rate. ‘S’ is the non-SI metric unit, expressed as Svedberg’s Unit, that denotes the sedimentation coefficient of the ribosomes. The particle size of ribosomes in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differs, due to which they sediment at different rates when centrifuged. …

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Difference Between Water Lily and Lotus

Water lily and lotus are aquatic flowering plants. At first glance, you may get confused between the two, but these beautiful flowers have notable differences. First, they belong to different families of flowering plants and have different growth patterns. Water lilies (Nymphaea species) belong to the Nymphaeaceae family. In contrast, lotuses (Nelumbo species) belong to …

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